SHAKE WELL before use.
Ant Trails: Spray along all ant trails observed at home every day for a week. In the following days, you may notice new ant trails have formed. Spray these new trails too.
Potted Plants: If ants are spotted in potted plants at home, spray where ants are seen. The plants will not be affected.
More Ants Appear: Do not be alarmed if more ants appear on the trails. This is temporary as colony migration has begun. Continue to spray until ants are no longer seen.
Maintenance: After the household ants are repelled, spray previously active ant trail areas once a week for continued pest control.
Handling: Store bottle in a cool, dry place away from heat or direct sunlight. Avoid contact with eyes, and flush eye with water with accidental exposure. Not formulated for oral application, but safe if small quantity is accidentally ingested.
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